Part 1 A Journey into Eternity in Christ Unit 1. Created for Christ, and Born for Eternity—35 1. Born for Eternity—37 2. Accomplishing the Call to Stewardship—58 3. Though Outwardly We Are Wasting Away, Yet Inwardly We Are Being Renewed Day by Day—89 4. According to What One Has, Not According to What One Does Not Have—123 5. Word Incarnated to Connect with Our Soul—130 6. Emmanuel for the Healing of Our Soul—142 7. Eternal Life is a Gift from the Lord—155 Observation: Every Communication Encounter is a Miracle—172 Unit 2. The Season of Advanced Years—175 8. The Season of Royal Dignity - A Biblical Perspective on Aging—176 9. The Season of Harvest – Mission of the Aged from a Biblical Perspective—185 10. The Return to Innocence – The Soul Regresses and the Spirit Flourishes as We Reflect on Life—192 Observation: Encumbered No More—204 Unit 3. The Insert of Life—210 11. The Dynamic between the Body, the Heart and the Spirit—211 12. Spiritual Strengths Transcend Any Physical Impairments—225 13. Interaction of the Spirit—230 Observation: Every Encounter is a Historical Rewrite—235 Part 2 Advanced Years of Glory Unit 4. Lord Jesus’s Glory Shining Through—245 14. Connecting with Others in Eden-like Ambience—245 15. Connecting with Ourselves and the Lord in Seed Archetype—265 16. Connecting with Christ and Looking to Jesus When Post-Archetypal Judgment and Ignorance Sets In—289 Observation: Connected by Good Intentions, United through Respect for Perspective and Professional Differences—313 17. The Fullness of Our Calling in the Triune Growth Archetype—318 18. TAC-inspired Care Tips for Patients with Dementia—323 19. Caregiver—336 20. Senior Devotion: Let the Love Flow—354 Testimony: Dad Always—384 Appendix: Evergreen Cell Group at Soul Home—388 Bibliography—391 |