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New book《Senior Devotion Let the Love Flow》

Senior Devotion Let the Love Flow


Author:Eileen Y. Lin



PCT Education Committee

Apostle Publishing Co., Ltd

TEL:02-23625282 # 215


The articles included in the book are gleaned from those twelve years spent on caring for my mother, who suffered from dementia, and the interactions between my loved ones. They are deeply personal, and, in the process, I had not expressly studied scientific data to back up my experiences. More than one hundred causes have been identified to bring about dementia. Each one of the causes is unique and every dementia case is manifested differently, resulting from different and complex considerations. The descriptions of my mother’s dementia experience are not inclusive of all the dementia patients. This book is not a publication dedicated to cognitive impairment; rather, it’s an exploration of life’s many chapters. Furthermore, this book is dedicated to those who are headed toward old age, or senior citizens now enjoying their golden years. Secondly,

the book seeks to acknowledge the caregivers of dementia sufferers: it’s hoped that the caregivers find comfort and hope in the text and narrative presented here, and that they’d build a spiritual, true-self connection with those they care for. Many publications can be found in the bookstores nowadays addressing dementia and the care methods accordingly. To that end, I’m particularly indebted to Dr. Wen-Chuin Hsu, Secretary-General LiYu Tang, Rui-zhi Mission and other similar organizations both in the public and private sectors, whose collective effort to raise awareness for the care of the cognitively-impaired has yielded remarkable results. Praise be to God! Caring for senior citizens is a long, strenuous journey. This book does not get into any geriatric manifestations because, the same manifestation of a specific case of dementia might be triggered by different causes, per the individual’s background. I pray that the experience shared in this book can be used by God, that my readers would be inspired by these stories to overcome any challenge they may encounter, to an extent that the reversal of dementia is made possible.

Again, supportive care for those with dementia is extremely personal. The manifestation of cognitive symptoms is heavily connected to the patient’s past experience. Therefore, the caregiving process for the elderly patient with dementia must be customized for the individual’s temperament and character, much like the caregiving process for individual infants.

Part 1 A Journey into Eternity in Christ

Unit 1. Created for Christ, and Born for Eternity—35

1. Born for Eternity—37

2. Accomplishing the Call to Stewardship—58

3. Though Outwardly We Are Wasting Away, Yet Inwardly We Are Being Renewed Day by Day—89

4. According to What One Has, Not According to What One Does Not Have—123

5. Word Incarnated to Connect with Our Soul—130

6. Emmanuel for the Healing of Our Soul—142

7. Eternal Life is a Gift from the Lord—155

Observation: Every Communication Encounter is a Miracle—172

Unit 2. The Season of Advanced Years—175

8. The Season of Royal Dignity - A Biblical Perspective on Aging—176

9. The Season of Harvest – Mission of the Aged from a Biblical Perspective—185

10. The Return to Innocence – The Soul Regresses and the Spirit Flourishes as We Reflect on Life—192

Observation: Encumbered No More—204

Unit 3. The Insert of Life—210

11. The Dynamic between the Body, the Heart and the Spirit—211

12. Spiritual Strengths Transcend Any Physical Impairments—225

13. Interaction of the Spirit—230

Observation: Every Encounter is a Historical Rewrite—235

Part 2 Advanced Years of Glory

Unit 4. Lord Jesus’s Glory Shining Through—245

14. Connecting with Others in Eden-like Ambience—245

15. Connecting with Ourselves and the Lord in Seed Archetype—265

16. Connecting with Christ and Looking to Jesus When Post-Archetypal Judgment and Ignorance Sets In—289

Observation: Connected by Good Intentions, United through Respect for Perspective and Professional Differences—313

17. The Fullness of Our Calling in the Triune Growth Archetype—318

18. TAC-inspired Care Tips for Patients with Dementia—323

19. Caregiver—336

20. Senior Devotion: Let the Love Flow—354

Testimony: Dad Always—384

Appendix: Evergreen Cell Group at Soul Home—388


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USD 18



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